
Thunder Sparks Minds, Awareness for Health

After showcasing the MyPlate nutrition board with a sweep of his large hands, Thunder center Steven Adams wanted to see if the students at Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics could identify the periodic properties of calcium on the spot. Up to the challenge, the juniors and seniors gathered around at the nutrition station responded correctly as the delighted Adams rattled off question after question.

The Big Kiwi along with teammates Enes Kanter and Norris Cole spent Tuesday afternoon leading high school students at a Thunder Fit clinic, presented by Homeland.

“These kids are smart. I’m asking them questions about the periodic table,” said Adams. “They’re getting it. They’re quite nice with it.”

Class is in session. Adams delivers an impromptu quiz on the periodic table.

Not too far from Adams’ station, a playful Kanter was conducting a series of one-on-one contests during a hoops drill as the young challengers in line waiting were giddy at the chance to work alongside with an NBA player. Made baskets were punctuated by booming cheers that rocked the gymnasium throughout the day drawing head turns and slacked jaws during these friendly David versus Goliath sequences.

“It’s a good day for the kids and for us. We’re having fun and that’s what it’s all about,” said Kanter.

At the other end of the court, Cole was not only delivering crisp passes, but also big high-fives while barking words of encouragement as participants furiously worked through the agility ladders. Cole’s upbeat attitude was contagious setting a positive tone as one rotating cohort after another followed his lead in cheering on their fellow upperclassmen during the lively drills.

“Basketball is our job, but it’s nice to know we can inspire the youth,” said Cole. “I appreciate the time they put in the classroom and I’m happy they appreciate the time we put on the court.”

Interacting with the bright young minds on hand gave the Thunder trio an opportunity to reinforce a message of leading an active healthy lifestyle while delivering an unforgettable experience.

Of course, the day couldn’t end without a little bit of hijinks from the ‘Stache Brothers. After watching his Turkish compadre run the gauntlet of bewildered challengers using his deft footwork paired with his wide array of shots in the post, Adams wanted to take on the group as well.

With ball in hand, Adams yelled over to Kanter to get his attention as he revved up to take on one of the plucky challengers. In one fell swoop, the Big Kiwi rose up and threw down a menacing one-handed jam over the hapless defender detonating the already euphoric boisterous crowd inside the gym.

Kanter: “Play hard. Play smart. But the most important thing—have fun.”

And judging from the students’ reaction on a scale of 10, that dunk was probably a 20—the atomic number for calcium.

Watch: Thunder Brings Fit Clinic Frenzy