
Leonard, Duncan, Coach Popovich Win NBPA Player's Voice Awards

NEW YORK, Aug. 4, 2016 — The National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) announced today that the 2016 Players Voice Awards will be revealed exclusively via social media today beginning at 3:00 p.m. ET.

The Players Voice Awards are voted on solely by NBA players and feature many unique categories: Best Dressed, Player You Secretly Wish Was On Your Team, Clutch Performer and Best Social Media Follow—in addition to MVP, Best Rookie, Best Defender and many others (see the full list below).

Also importantly, there are awards that recognize icons of the game: the player who has the Most Global Impact and the Most Influential Veteran.

In collaboration with ACE Media, the NFLPA’s new original content arm, the NBPA created video packages celebrating each winner and featuring testimonials captured in the offseason from dozens of NBA players. It’s the first time the two players associations have worked together on a project like this.

Check out the video features for for Kawhi Leonard (Best Defender), Tim Duncan (Most Influential Veteran) and Coach Popovich (Coach You Would Most Liked to Play For)below: