Ask Sam | Sam Smith opens his mailbag | 12.27.2013

I don't understand why everyone is so doom and gloom on the Bulls future. I think we are in a good place. Should the Bulls amnesty Boozer and let Luol Deng go via free agency, as it stands our starting lineup next season would be Noah, Taj, Butler, Snell, Rose. I think that's a pretty good starting lineup go into the offseason. The Bulls most likely because of a weak Eastern Conference will have two first round draft picks and a second rounder in this year’s draft and are positioning themselves to bring over the best European player next summer. If D.J. Augustin continues to play the way he has for the remainder of the season then I definitely would like the Bulls to sign him to a long term deal to be Derrick Rose's backup. The Bulls have been great in its drafting. Adding a couple of centers via the draft to fill out the bench and I think the Bulls will be fine.

Rocky Rosado

So I have been watching around the league lately and, maybe it's just me, but the Miami Heat just don't look as tough as they have been over the past couple of years or so. On the other end, the Bulls have had a rough stretch but they seem to be putting it together the past couple of games now that they are getting guys back. So I'm wondering, is there any, and I mean any chance that the Bulls, if they can hold it together like this for an entire season, could knock off Miami or Indiana in the playoffs? Kind of how the Knicks did in 1999 as the eighth seed going to the finals? Tom Thibodeau was on that staff too so he knows how to do it. Ironically, that Knicks team actually beat both Miami and Indiana on their way to the finals. Even more ironic is the fact that Miami was the 1 seed that year and Indiana was the 2 seed, which is how it is shaping up this year with maybe them switching spots. What do you think?

Elbron Odisho

Do you think the Bulls have found their future backup point guard in D.J. Augustin? I think he has played very well, a much better option than Teague at this point.

Nicolas Roth

I was watching Nets vs Bulls and I was wondering why Jimmy Butler doesn't do any flashy dunks. It wasn't just last night, I have seen him before like vs the Knicks on the two steals on Melo. Do u know why he doesn't do any double clutches, windmills on the fast break because I seen him doing some sick dunks in practice and was even rumored to be in dunk contest last year. If I was 6'8 with a 40 inch vertical I would be doing between the legs in traffic.

Jack Spice

Since it's so hard to trade for a first round pick, how about if the bulls went the opposite way? What could the bulls get for their two first-round picks if they want to trade them right now? Is there any combination along with Deng that could net them a player in between an All-Star and franchise player?

Jeff Lichtenstein

Remember how at the beginning of the 13-14 season how the East was destined to be great, and how teams like Brooklyn, Detroit, and Cleveland were supposed to rise? What happened to them, and how come the Eastern Conference is struggling?

Wajeeh Khan

I've also been meaning to pose the possibility that the difference between the eastern and western conferences might not be that great... after the top two or three teams in the west come a lot of teams with mediocre personnel. They play faster and have some advantages in inter-conference play, but those advantages disappear at playoff time when the game goes to half court. My feeling is, the league is quickly reaching universal mediocrity, which was the goal of the new cap agreement. The NFL is already there. I guess it's good if you like close games, but if you like great basketball I think it hurts.

Kirk Landers

If I told you in June 2010 that Boozer would be the healthiest Bull for four years what would you say to me??

Mike Sutera

Any chance Clippers would move Griffin? I'm guessing no for marketing reasons etc but from a basketball standpoint Melo could make them a more legit title contender. I know in past u have said Knicks won't trade Melo but if he makes it clear he wants out they should at least consider it. Clippers throw in Dudley too to match salaries. Griffin would create buzz for Knicks who aren't going anywhere as they're currently constructed anyway.

Mike Kay

If Michael Beasley can get a second, third and fourth chance in the NBA, and seems to have grown up finally, will Tyrus Thomas get a third? Thomas doesn't have Beasley's offcourt baggage either. My perception is that Thomas is undisciplined and doesn't take coaching well. I watched him and Ben Gordon work out before Bulls' games, and Gordon had a precise routine, while Thomas seemed to be screwing around. Both were out there early, but only Gordon was sweating. Did you see the same out of Thomas?

Joe Schwarz

In your last mailbag you said "There is a season to be played and you owe it to the game to play it." What does that exactly mean? Look, I understand that tanking is not in the spirit of a game. But I am a die-hard bulls fan and I only care what is best for the Bulls, not the NBA this season. Truthfully, as long as Butler, Noah, Snell etc were still developing, I would prefer to lose every possible game and get the number one pick. Yes, that is selfish, but wouldn't the top pick (or the top chance at top pick) be a whole lot better for franchise down the road then "fighting hard" this year and finishing with the 10th pick. There is no point in being like the Bucks who finish just outside the playoffs most years, especially when one special player from this draft could make a difference for us. Therefore, trading Deng even for a second round pick gets us something (I know very little value), increases our chances of losing game this year, and most importantly gets us under the cap. Besides the mindset of tanking is wrong, wouldn't it be better to get the higher draft pick if its clear we cant make playoffs? Thanks!

Dan Seder

About the Bulls. I love their fight. Love it. They know they're outmanned most nights, yet they're bringing their all. But I'm sensing, as the injuries keep piling up, that their intensity may start to wane. I sure hope it doesn't. I love this team, same as I loved last year's. I'm going to support them no matter what. They deserve better. I want the rest of the city to rally around these guys. Don't give up on them. I look at this as an incredible opportunity for one guy - Taj Gibson. I've noticed his focus tends to fluctuate, particularly when he doesn't get touches on the offensive end. Plus he's been slightly turnover prone in the post. But I believe he needs to start demanding the ball in the post. He's our best post option, and there's a very real chance he'll be the starting 4 next season. If I'm Thibs, I'm going to be riding him like crazy. Also, about Booz, do you think the constant amnesty talk has gotten to him a bit?

Paul Giuntoli

What would you point out on the Bulls old reserves or the "bench mob" and what made them succeed more than the bench of the last two seasons?

Jonathan Prosper

If the Magic are buying Hedo Turkoglu out by Jan 7th, could the Bulls be interested in signing him a min offer?

Shaun Chalmer