
Ask Sam | Sam Smith opens his mailbag | 01.31.2014

What's your opinion on the latest Carmelo "prefers Bulls" rumor? It sounds a lot like another superstar trying to create leverage with his real preferred destination a la Kobe 2007/LeBron Summer 2010.
Christopher Howland

If the Bulls wanted to sign Carmelo in the offseason as a free agent, they'd have to (A) amnesty Boozer (B) trade Taj, while not taking back any contracts, AND (C) resign themselves to the fact that they wouldn't be able to bring Mirotic over. So, really the best way to get Carmelo would be to trade for him now if you were confident he would resign. This begs the question, what would it take? Obviously, you'd have to get the Knicks to take Boozer's deal as salary balance to start things out. So what assets would you include? There's Butler, Dunleavy, the rights to Mirotic, the Charlotte pick, the potential Kings pick down the road, our own draft picks. Would you empty the cannon?
David Simon

Is that FA money I hear leaking out of Luol’s pocket? Cleveland is not an ideal situation, but it is becoming painfully clear that $10M year is very rich for Deng.
Thomas Deneen

I was wondering what your thoughts were about starting Taj Gibson in place of Carlos Boozer at this stage of the season. I know that Thibs doesn't like to change his lineups, but Taj is clearly the future of the power forward position for our franchise, and Gibson plays noticeably better as a starter. Boozer is definitely an above average starting 4, but why not start your best player at that position? I guess another issue is whether Boozer can play effectively off the bench.
Mike Logan

Congrats to Joakim Noah for his All-Star selection – very deserving and gives faith that the coaches have some idea who should be playing. But Joe Johnson? This selection is the complete opposite of Joakim’s selection and beggars belief. If they had to pick another backcourt player, surely Lance Stephenson must consider himself snubbed. On all accounts, Stephenson is more deserving than Johnson.
Andrew Robson

When I watch Kevin Durant play against LeBron I can see him giving him problems. If they met in the playoffs if Durant gets hot and starts hitting 3 pointers I think it could lead LeBron into an attempt to keep up with him instead of playing to his strengths. Think people should be expecting a lot of out Durant now? He was barely a kid in those finals, he is a couple years older now and it takes 6-8 years typically to become established. I am not a huge LeBron fan due to some of the knuckle head stuff he did years ago, but I think the league is in a good place looking to the future with the talent.
Matt Reev

Say the Bulls end up with 3 draft picks in this year's draft. You think Minnesota would take them & Boozer (will be an expiring contract) or a combination of picks and Taj and Mirotic for Kevin Love? Maybe the Wolves can get something for Love rather than see him walk away for nothing.
Belal Tiba

What do you think of the idea of moving Rose to shooting guard in order to improve the Bulls and prolong his career? Can he guard 2's?
Jim Hofer

If the Rockets were to do it again in the 1984 NBA draft, who would they pick? Had they picked MJ then Portland would surely pick Hakeem which means Chicago would've been stuck with Sam Bowie. Wow, what a scary thought!
Jay Choi

Without the surprise play of replacement point guards Augustin and Robinson how much worse would these last two seasons have been to watch?
Jacob Allaman

If the coach doesn't want to play Murphy and Shengelia, that's his right. Why doesn't Chicago send them to the D-League? They did that with Teague? It seems that you can easily recall a D-League player. That would give both Murphy and Shengelia some game experience?
Mike Versonnen

Will Jimmy Butler make the all-defensive team? Do you think he should?
Greg Hume

The way the "next man up" and "we have got enough" theory is working for the Bulls, and the fact that it is a banged up Eastern Conference team, I assume a 4th seed or maximum 5th spot by the end of the season. What do you think about that?
Nakul Vaid

What is wrong with the Bulls fans? Are they serious that D-Rose should not try out for the U.S. Team if he is healthy and ready to go? In a survey by the Chicago Tribune about whether D-Rose should try out, the vast majority said no! What might their rationale be? Shouldn't this be a matter of simple common sense?
1. If he tries out and remains healthy, whether or not he makes the team, he will be much better off when the regular season starts.
2. If he gets injured, so be it, that may be an indication that he would have gotten injured early on in the season anyway.
3. He is a professional athlete, and this is his career. Does a politician quit running for office just because he/she lost one or two elections? Does a soldier quit serving because he/she got injured in battle?
Ramsey Badre

With D Rose having been out for 2 seasons and Luol leaving, Jo Noah is clearly the team leader. You could make the argument that he was been the leader even before Rose went out. How do you think the two will co-exist when Derrick comes back. Will he be willing to take a step back and live with Joakim as the face of the franchise and alpha dog in the locker room?
Jim Gillmeister

What do you make of Jerry Reinsdorf calling the team "mediocre"? How will that affect players who seem to go out every night and play their hearts out for his franchise? As a fan, it doesn't sit well with me.
Elbron Odisho

For the same reason Carmelo Anthony got an MVP vote last year do you think there is the slightest of chances we could see Noah snatch just one MVP vote this year? If anyone has been the most valuable player to any team so far this season it'd have to be Noah.
Peter Brunton