
Reinsdorf family honored with Family Philanthropy Award by La Rabida Children’s Hospital

November 11, 2013 -- Across Chicago, members of service and athletic institutions congratulated the Reinsdorf family for their recent philanthropic honor by La Rabida Children’s Hospital. The Reinsdorfs, who own the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago White Sox, received the Family Philanthropy award during the 2013 Friends of La Rabida Awards Celebration on Friday night.

La Rabida Children’s Hospital, established in 1896, is a pediatric specialty care hospital, treating children with chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, and other lifelong conditions. La Rabida provides family centered, interdisciplinary care to 7,500 children with special health care needs each year at its lakeside location. The hospital’s annual gala is a major fundraiser for the hospital and its programs, which rely on philanthropy and Medicaid to operate.

The Reinsdorf family is a longstanding supporter of the hospital, which exclusively serves children with special health care needs. Both the Bulls and the White Sox have invited La Rabida patients, their families, volunteers and staff to attend games. Players from the Chicago Bulls and White Sox organizations have greeted patients, often on the court or field, signed jackets and hats and posed for photographs. Team ambassadors have also visited patients at the hospital.

The Reinsdorfs were introduced by Bob Arthur, president of Magellan Corporation, who has helped strengthen the teams’ relationship with La Rabida.

A video featuring congratulatory messages from Bulls players and community partners was played during the event.

“I’ve been part of this organization for 10 years now, and I see the amount of work you do in the community,” said Bulls small forward Luol Deng. “You are a great example of trying to make the world a better place.”

Deng was joined by teammates Jimmy Butler, Carlos Boozer, Taj Gibson and Derrick Rose, among others, in issuing congratulations to the Reinsdorfs, in whom all expressed love and pride.