
Bulls close out Pelicans at home

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By Sam Smith | 12.27.2014 | 9:25 p.m. CT

The Bulls Saturday pulled away from the New Orleans Pelicans in the fourth quarter for a 107-100 victory led by Jimmy Butler with 33 points.

Derrick Rose added 19 and three Bulls reserves scored in double figures as the Bulls won their sixth straight and ninth in the last 10 for a 21-9 record. The Bulls got two big baskets from Rose late in the fourth and then Butler powered inside to hold off New Orleans and Anthony Davis with 29 points and 11 rebounds.

The Bulls had a good answer for Pelicans star Davis to start in reigning Defensive Player of the Year Joakim Noah, who kept Davis on the outside as the Bulls took an 18-10 lead. But once Noah went out Pau Gasol didn’t have the quickness to contain Davis. But with Tyreke Evans slashing his way for 13 points, the Pelicans led after one 25-23. Rose and Butler continued their efficient ways in the second quarter as they combined for 26 of the starters’ 34 first half points. Davis had the quietest 16 in a half you’ll see. The Bulls with Butler’s late rebounding leading to loose ball fouls and free throws took a 49-45 halftime lead.

It was the reserves again who were crucial for the Bulls in pulling out to an 80-71 lead after three quarters. Taj Gibson was accurate with his jump shot and Aaron Brooks continued his array of tricks for kids with a driving bank high off the class and then strip of an inbounds bass for a fast break score around Davis to enable the Bulls to score on seven of their last eight possessions of the third.


1. It was another big contribution from the Bulls reserves with Aaron Brooks wiggly waggly ways to E’Twaun Moore closing down the stretch with Derrick Rose. The Bulls reserves led 37-22 with Brooks with 13.

2. Jimmy Butler remarkable season continued as he repeatedly took New Orleans players to the basket down the stretch are scored more than 30 points for the third time in the last six games. Butler heard MVP chants late in the game.

3. Chiicagoan Anthony Davis with the Pelicans is a wonder the way he scores so gracefully and efficiently. He has to do a lot on his own as the Pelicans guards don’t involve him much; when they do watch