
A Letter from the Owners

Bucks Fans,

Just two years ago, on the final day of 2013-14 season, we joined Senator Kohl in Milwaukee to announce the transfer of ownership of the Bucks. Senator Kohl entrusted us with leading this organization because we shared his commitment to the city and state, and promised to ensure the team’s long-term future in Milwaukee. His generosity and devotion to Wisconsin taught us a lot about the responsibility we took on with the privilege of owning an NBA team. We are excited to announce the realization and fulfillment of that awesome responsibility by signing a new 30-year arena lease with the Wisconsin Center District. This is the realization of a commitment we made not just to Bucks fans, but to the entire community.

Our desire to succeed and bring an NBA Championship back to this passionate and deserving fan base continues to drive every decision we make. While our record this season is not where we hoped it would be, we genuinely believe we took major steps towards that goal. We believe we’ve taken big strides to instill a championship-caliber culture within our organization that will allow players to succeed and be the foundation of our future success. 

John Hammond and Jason Kidd have done a terrific job accumulating and developing our young talent. We’ve seen their incredible potential flash throughout this season and the strides we’ve seen players like Giannis, Jabari and Khris make since the All-Star break has us brimming with optimism. We’ve invested heavily in our player development and medical services and will soon be breaking ground on a state-of-the-art training facility for our players and coaches.

The largest role in creating a championship culture belongs to you. This team will always belong to the passionate fans first and foremost, and it is your support that will enable our success. You are the ones driving the culture, holding us accountable, and creating an unbelievable atmosphere that allows our players to flourish. When we do bring a championship back to Milwaukee, it won’t be because of anything the three of us did, but because of the collective commitment from all of us – our players, coaches, management and fans – to work for greatness in everything we do.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support this season and for entrusting us to be the stewards of this proud franchise. It remains an honor and privilege to be a part of this incredible Bucks family. We hope to see you all at our groundbreaking celebration for the new arena on June 18, and we can’t wait to continue cheering alongside you in the years to come.

Fear the Deer!

Marc, Wes & Jamie