
Michael Carter-Williams Gives Back To His Hometown Gym

Seventeen years ago, Michael Carter-Williams took to the floor of the Ipswich YMCA in Massachusetts with NBA aspirations on his mind. At the age of nine, Carter-Williams probably couldn’t have imagined that 17 years later, that same gym would be dedicated to him. But that’s exactly what happed on Monday as MCW returned to Ipswich for a special ceremony honoring the three-year NBA player for his donations that allowed the gym to undergo a renovation.

Numerous YMCA campers watched as MCW took the ceremonial first shot in the newly renovated gym, which is now named for the same guy who started his NBA dream in that same YMCA 17 years ago. After many years spent at the Ipswich YMCA as a child, MCW now hopes that the newly-renovated gym will provide young kids with the same opportunities to pursue their dreams that he had as a 9-year-old. Expect now, it will be on a brand new court in a new gym, thanks to the generosity of MCW.