Ask a DMC Doc

The DMC Sports Medicine Specialists are ready to help Pistons fans answer questions about injuries, training or other sports medicine issues.

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Example of a Patient Question:

I exercise three or four times a week, and lately I’ve developed pain in my ankles and shins. I’m worried that it may be tendonitis or shin splints. Could I be overdoing it? If I slow down, will the problem go away?

It sounds like you may have an OVERUSE INJURY – possibly more than one. Unlike an acute injury (the kind that comes from a single, traumatic event, like falling and fracturing wrist) Overuse injuries are more subtle, and occur over time. They are the result of repetitive micro-trauma to the tendons, bones and joints. Common examples include tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), swimmer’s shoulder (rotator cuff tendonitis and impingement), Little League elbow, runner’s knee, jumper’s knee (infrapatellar tendonitis), Achilles tendonitis and shin splints.