
Goal Setting with the Cavs - November 18, 2015

What do a new school year and a new basketball season have in common? Goal setting! Students and pro athletes alike both have to set goals in the classroom and on the court. One Maple Heights fifth grade class saw real-life examples of that on Wednesday.

Approximately 25 students from Barack Obama Elementary School visited Cleveland Clinic Courts on Wednesday, November 18th, for a lesson in goal setting through fun literacy and fitness challenges. The fifth grade class participates in the Cavs “Fit as a Pro” (presented by Medical Mutual and Giant Eagle) and “Read to Achieve” programs.

Matthew Dellavedova, Jared Cunningham

View snapshots from the event.

More news on the Cavs.

The students exercised their brains and their bodies while learning about goals. They first read excerpts from Michael Jordan’s book, “I Can’t Accept Not Trying.” They then had to navigate an obstacle course, which required determining, finding and setting goals and working together as a team to achieve them.

The kids had a little expert help along the way – they were joined by Cavs players Jared Cunningham, Matthew Dellavedova and Sasha Kaun. The players shared their own perspective on the importance of goal setting, both on and off the court.

About Fit as a Pro
Presented by Medical Mutual and Giant Eagle
Fit as a Pro is year-round campaign designed to encourage physical fitness and well-balanced nutrition among elementary school students in Northeast Ohio. The program reaches thousands of students in Northeast Ohio through fitness challenges, nutrition education and information on how to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.

About Read to Achieve
Read to Achieve is a year-round campaign designed to help young people develop a life-long love for reading and encourage adults to read regularly with children. The program reaches thousands of elementary, middle and high school students in Northeast Ohio through reading challenges, reading time-outs, book drives, donations and the construction of Reading & Learning Centers.