Carve Your Pumpkin Using Your Favorite Cavaliers Stencil

Beware the point ghouls and power goblins, the Frankenstein stitchery and wine and gold witchery that make late October a chilling time. It's Halloween and has the perfect Cavalier pumpkin gear for you!

Be the first to feel the spine-tingling chills and thrills of Cavalier excitement with these special edition pumpkin stencils that'll transform your gourd into a jamming jack-o-lantern that'll light up the night with the ghostly glow of wine and gold.

Click on the desired stencil below to open and print. You will need Adobe Acrobat to open and view the stencils. Get it Here

Make sure to email photos of your carved pumpkins to


* Kids:
Please make sure you get a parent or adult to help you with this activity.

Choosing Your Pumpkin

Choose your stencil before you go shopping so you can get a pumpkin that is best suited for that particular design. Don't buy pumpkins with nicks or bruises (they don't last very long). Try to avoid carrying your pumpkin by the stem, two things can happen, a broken stem and a bruised pumpkin, neither are good.
Pumpkin Carving Tools

For best results, the above stencils are most easily carved with inexpensive pumpkin carving kits and are available many places such as your local grocery store. But you can also use the following common household tools:

  • A Large Spoon
  • A Sharp Serrated Knife
  • A Pin or Nail
  • A Paring Knife

Carving Your Pumpkin

  1. Start by spreading sheets of newspaper around the area you plan to work. This will reduce mess and make cleanup easy.
  2. Print one of our stencils, or draw your own. Tape the stencil to your pumpkin. Using the nail or needle, punch holes through the paper, into the pumpkin, following the lines of the stencil.
  3. Try cutting the hole in the bottom!Use the serrated knife to cut a circle out of bottom of the pumpkin. Opening the bottom creates a flat surface to steady the pumpkin and keeps the top neat and uncut. If you wish, you can cut the circle in the top for a more traditional look with a convenient lid for the candle.
  4. Scoop out the insides. Don't forget to save the seeds to roast.
  5. After the insides have been adequately scooped, use the large spoon to scrape the sides of your pumpkin smooth. The sides should be about one inch thick.
  6. This is the really fun part! Use your paring knife to cut along the dotted lines you have made with the pin or nail.
  7. Cut a hole in the top of your pumpkin to vent the heat from your candle.
  8. Place a candle inside your pumpkin. Carefully light it - and watch your design come to life! Do not leave a lit candle unattended.