Starting Five with ... Damon Jones

In this week's Starting Five -- where we ask Cavaliers about Cavaliers -- puts the dashing and debonair Damon Jones on the hot seat …

1. Who's the guy that would be the scariest if he ever got angry?
Ira Newble. We haven’t had any fisticuffs or anything like that. We’re a tight-knit group – we don’t have turmoil. But he'd be the guy to watch out for because he’s quiet.

Quiet guys are always the guys you fear the most.

2. Who's the tightest player on the team? Who's the free-spender?
Z is the most frugal. And I would have to that Drew Gooden is the free-spender. But he has a lot of it – so it’s easy for him to spend.

3. Which teammate will one day be a head coach, and would you like to play for him?
Eric Snow. I think he’ll be a good coach. He understands the game, and being that he’s played for so long, he understands the rigors of the NBA and what it would take for his team to be good.

I wouldn’t want to play under him, no. He’s a good guy, and all. But I wouldn’t want to play on his team. They’d practice too hard.

4. Who's the team's "trend-setter" as far as clothes, cars, etc.?
Damon Jones. Why? Don’t ask me because I don’t know.

I just have that “aura” that people follow. It’s OK, though. It’s a good thing. I appreciate people understanding the beauty of what I do.

5. Which player would succeed in another sport?
That’s a no-brainer – LeBron James. The kid’s a phenomenal athlete and he’d probably be a great as a wide receiver or a tight end in football.

The only thing that would keep LeBron from being a football player in the NFL right now is the size of his head. They don’t have a big enough helmet.