
Member Update - Member Spotlight Charlie Bahnson

Member Spotlight - Charlie Bahnson

Member Since: 2012
Favorite Timberwolves Memory: KG’s Return, February 25th, 2015

"This is only my 4th season, but no other game has really compared to KG’s return against Washington. That was the loudest, most enthusiastic crowd I have been part of and it really felt like a playoff atmosphere. I was born the same year KG made his NBA debut for the Timberwolves, so I grew up idolizing him. I wore #21 in basketball because of KG and always wanted to play like him. Seeing the ‘Coming Home’ highlight video played during the introductions gave me chills, and what better way to celebrate his return than with a 20-point win. Everything from the introductions to the jiggly boy video made it into an amazing night I’ll never forget."