
Suns Retorter: Throwback Thursday Celebration of Fanhood

If you’re anything like me, the reason you’re a Suns fan has very little to do with 2015. As a matter of fact, it probably has very little to do with anything that’s happened since the very first time you saw the Suns take the court or the first time you heard Al McCoy describe the action on an old-school Emerson clock radio. (OK, maybe that last one is specific to me.)

For some, the moment they fell in love with the Suns -- the way Zach loved Kely or Corey loved Topanga -- was watching the original Sun Dick Van Arsdale run the floor at Veterans Memorial Coliseum or the Hawk making the basketball look like the size of a ping pong ball as he palmed it. Other fans connected with Westphal, Adams and the Sunderella Suns or the 80s teams led by the Greyhound, Walter Davis. Maybe you’re a child of the late 80s and the Cotton Express sparks your cerebral cortex or you grew up in the ‘90s and you can’t help but pine after Sir Charles’ reign. We welcome those who had Backcourt 2000 as their introduction to the team and yes, even you young ‘uns whose first taste of Suns basketball was Seven Seconds or Less count, too.

No matter who was your first, that group and those moments are the reason being a Suns fan has a whole lot more to do with that emotional connection than it does wins and losses. This Thursday is a time to celebrate just that.

Suns Throwback Thursday is a celebration of those moments that made us all a Suns fan in the first place. We’ll be hopping in the Delorean, cranking it up to 88 mph and setting the inputs for the Cotton Express era. The night will focus on celebrating those late ‘80s and early ‘90s renditions of the team. That’s why Suns.com looks like this right now and why all the Suns social channels will be kickin’ it old school for Wednesday and Thursday. The new old look, feel and fun is because Thursday is all about reliving the the moments from that era and more.

If you’re a big fan of pop culture and video games of that era you’re going to want to pay close attention to the Suns channels because we’ve got some Stay Puft Marshmallow Man sized surprises for you. Oh, and don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of moments from the Cotton Express to pump you up as well.

The moments that made us all Suns fans are as vastly different as Steven Urkel and Stefan Urquelle. The comment thread to them all though is a deep emotional tie that spans decades and generations. Suns Throwback Thursday is all about celebrating those so enjoy the ride and remembering the one we’ve already been on.

What moment made you a Suns fan originally? Post it in the comments or Tweet it to me using #SunsTBT.