
Suns Retorter: Better to Be NBA's Small Film

Here’s a simple question for you: would you rather have been the group behind the movie Fantastic Four or the one behind Ex Machina?

Sure, the superhero genre is much like the Human Torch -- on fire -- and Fantastic Four had the kind of hype usually reserved for WWE matches in the months leading up to its release, but the end product was a huge disappointment. And by huge disappointment, I mean Greg Oden, Sam Bowie and Michael Olowokandi all think it was extremely overhyped. On the flip side, there’s Ex Machina, the Muggsy Bogues of films, a small budget flick that was released with minimal fanfare and even fewer expectations, but that finished as both a critical and financial success.

So which would you rather be? The answer is simple: you’d rather be the unexpected smaller film that succeeds than the blockbuster that crashes and burns.

At this point you’re probably wondering what this has to do with the 2015-16 Suns. The answer? Everything.

The time-honored tradition of prognosticating NBA records is underway and the guesses -- and that’s all they are -- keep rolling in. The latest is the ESPN Forecast which asked 200+ “experts” -- let’s be honest, if it takes 10,000 hours to master something, there aren’t 200+ NBA experts -- where in the standings they thought each team would finish. The aggregate of the group’s predictions had the Suns finishing 10th in the West with a 35-47 record this season.

The initial reaction from fans is likely to get defensive or feel slighted. It’s the mentality you take towards family, “I can be negative about them, but if you are, I’ll defend them to the death.” Here’s a different tact to take towards the predictions that will continue to flow in over the next few months. Embrace the lack of expectations.

Remember 2013-14 when those same “experts” had the Suns pegged for fewer wins (19) than the number of Presidential candidates (24)? Yeah, that turned out pretty good and the ride was even more fun.

Early expectations aren’t indicators of future success. In fact, a lot of times said expectations backfire. (If you don’t believe us, just take a look at this fun Lakers’ blast from the past.)

Some of the best things in life are the ones you don’t see coming. Being the underdog and sneaking up on people can be fun. That and it beats going from the penthouse to the outhouse, or in Fantastic Four’s case, from the “most anticipated” list to an 8-percent on Rotten Tomatoes.