
Round 2 Live Updates: Pelicans at Warriors Game 2

Get ready for gametime and follow along with our Pelicans experts from the team and local media as we prepare for Game 2 of Round 2 against the Golden State Warriors. Tip-off is set for 9:30PM on TNT at Oracle Arena.

Live Blog LIVE UPDATES: Pelicans at Warriors - Round 2, Game 2 window.cilAsyncInit = function() {cilEmbedManager.init()};(function() {if (window.cilVwRand === undefined) { window.cilVwRand = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); }var e = document.createElement('script');e.async = true;var domain = (document.location.protocol == 'http:' || document.location.protocol == 'file:') ? 'https://cdnsl.coveritlive.com' : 'https://cdnslssl.coveritlive.com';e.src = domain + '/vw.js?v=' + window.cilVwRand;e.id = 'cilScript-ede5290877';document.getElementById('cil-root-block-ede5290877').appendChild(e);}());