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Tobias Harris Named a Finalist for the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award

Josh Cohen
Digital News Manager

Orlando, Fla. (April 7, 2015) – Orlando Magic forward Tobias Harris has been named a finalist for the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award as selected by the Professional Basketball Writers Association (PBWA). Since the 1974-75 season, the award has been given annually to a player, coach or athletic trainer who has shown outstanding service and dedication to the community over the previous year.

The other finalists for the award are Detroit’s Greg Monroe, Chicago’s Joakim Noah, Los Angeles Clippers’ Chris Paul and Memphis’ Zach Randolph. Twenty-eight of the 30 NBA teams nominated one player for the award. The five finalists were selected from that group by a committee comprised of 14 longtime PBWA members. Balloting for the award closes on April 10.

The award is named in honor of James Walter Kennedy, the second commissioner of the NBA. The PBWA represents writers for newspapers, magazines and internet services who cover the NBA on a regular basis.

Harris recently was named a co-winner of the Rich and Helen DeVos Community Enrichment Award at the 25th annual Orlando Magic Youth Foundation Black Tie and Tennies Gala. The DeVos Community Enrichment Award is given to the Magic player who has dedicated his efforts off the court for the purpose of enhancing other’s lives.