
Latinx Heritage Month Spotlight: Kyle Ramos

In the third installment of our Kings.com series for Latinx Heritage Month Spotlight, we sat down with Social Producer Kyle Ramos as he discussed his heritage, inspiration, and journey.

How would you describe your role with the Sacramento Kings?

In my role as a Social Producer, I’m responsible for helping to create the different content that we post across different channels on Kings social media. On any given day, I could be covering a Kings game and live tweeting, writing a blog, pulling photos for a gallery, coming up with a caption for a dope video from our Content team, or piecing together one of our many memes. I’m also involved in helping create content for our NBA 2K League team Kings Guard Gaming in many of the same capacities.

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

One of my favorite things about this position is how different every day is. There’s always something new happening in the realm of social media. Figuring out how we can get involved with trends or connect with our fans in fun ways makes for a lot of exciting challenges and opportunities.

Also, growing up as a Kings fan it is still surreal to me that I get to work for the same team that I’ve supported for as long as I can remember.

In what ways do you celebrate your Latinx heritage?

I proudly represent my Puerto Rican heritage whenever I get a chance. My father was born in Puerto Rico and I’ve gotten the chance to go back there to see where he lived and experience a lot of the culture. Even back in the United States, I’ve been able to enjoy the food, the music, the art, and see how that same culture has carried over and impacted the main land.

It’s also inspiring to see fellow Puerto Ricans and other Latinx people find success in their fields as they proudly represent their heritage, as well.

How would you characterize your journey to where you are today?

My journey has been a whirlwind.

I look back at so many times of uncertainty. When I graduated from college at Long Beach State in 2015, I knew I wanted to work in sports but I had no job lined up after graduation. But I kept seeking opportunities that could get me closer to my goal. I took internships, volunteered, and tried to do anything that I thought made me a more viable candidate for a team.

Eventually those things added up to landing a spot with the Kings Digital team and it was like a dream come true. I am so grateful for every bump in the road and every challenge because they made the arrival at the destination that much better.

Who have been your biggest role models?

My entire family is full of people who I look up to. There’s so many giving, caring, hard-working, and selfless people who helped raise me. My parents have always supported me at every step along the way. My sisters always have my back too, and are so extremely talented in what they do.

There’s also Roberto Clemente, one of the greatest baseball players of all-time and the first Puerto Rican inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Not only was he an amazing athlete, but his dedication to giving back as much as he possibly could is something that I strive for. He has a quote that resonates with me a lot.

“Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth."

What challenges do you think confront Latinx in the United States today?

To me, I would like to see more representation for Latinx in general - government, companies, entertainment, etc.

It’s important not only for Latinx people to hold these positions in order to help advance the way that Latinx people are able to live in this country, but to also set an example for the younger ones who can see that someone that looks like them, or talks like them, or who came from the same circumstances can be a success and pave the way.

What advice would you offer fellow Latinos/Latinas/Latinx who are striving to succeed in the sports and entertainment industry?

This industry is competitive and there are many people vying for not that many spots, so you have to be flexible and versatile. Never stop learning. Seek out mentors and people who have the careers that you want to have. There are many people willing to help and connecting with them goes a long, long way.

Find ways to be better at what you do every day. You can’t be great at something if you aren’t willing to be bad at it. Don’t be too hard on yourself but use mistakes as motivation. Give someone a reason to believe in you.

Why is it important for members of the Latinx community to vote in the upcoming election?

It’s absolutely crucial for Latinx people to vote this year and in every election that they can. Voting is a right that many in this country had to fight for and we should take advantage of our rights.

One of the most efficient ways for us to see the progress and change happen is to make sure that the right people are representing us.

It’s not just about what we see in our lifetimes but how we can start the ripple effect that is felt in the generations after us. The work we do today to fight for what we believe in is how we can create the America that we have dreamed of. And it all starts at the polls.