Trail Blazers face the Los Angeles Clippers on March 20, 2024. Stephanie Castillo / Trail Blazers

Toumani Buckets And Lottery Odds On The Brief Case, Episode 86

Before heading out for the remainder of March and the first week of April, wanted to get one more edition of The Brief Case podcast in the can. Give it a listen...

• The Trail Blazers starting three rookies and whether any other first-year players are due for more minutes in the last three weeks of the season

• Portland's losses to the LA Clippers

• The upcoming 15-day, seven-game road trip

• A breakdown of draft lottery positioning and Portland's chances of ending up with a higher probability of the top overall pick 

• The prospect of starting an all rookie lineup (which the team did in Saturday's game versus the Nuggets)

And the show ends with a conversation with rookie forward Toumani Camara about his rookie season, what he's done well in his first year, what he'd still like to improve upon, playing in front of friends and his host family next week in Florida, his Dayton Flyers in the NCAA Tournament, getting under opposing players' skin and what he hopes to get accomplished in the final days of his first NBA season.

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