Golden State Warriors And Sonic Notify Team Up To Bring Proximity Technology To Oracle Arena

March 24, 2014
Golden State Warriors And Sonic Notify Team Up To Bring Proximity Technology To Oracle Arena

-- The following press release was originally published and distributed by Sonic Notify on Thursday, March 20. --

The Golden State Warriors today officially launched a partnership with Sonic Notify to integrate proximity technology to the Warriors mobile app. The solution went live on March 18th at Oracle Arena and is one of the first live rollouts of proximity beacon technology at a major sporting venue.

As the Bay Area’s only NBA team, the Warriors proximity to the vibrancy of Oakland, San Francisco and Silicon Valley has infused the organization with a drive to be at the forefront of technology and fan entertainment. In an effort to continually evolve and enhance fan experience through the use of cutting edge technology, the Warriors found a unique and sophisticated solution partner in the proximity technology startup Sonic Notify.

Sonic Notify is a technology company that provides a full turn­key enterprise proximity marketing system consisting of all the necessary pieces - beacons, security encryption, content management system (CMS), analytics, and decisioning server - to create and execute successful proximity marketing campaigns. Sonic Notify’s technology solution is built on multiple technologies for proximity awareness, including its own proprietary audio watermarking solution in conjunction with Apple iBeacon™ and Android Bluetooth Low Energy transmissions. The technology allows large companies to provide notifications, messaging and content delivery to the vast majority of users’ smartphones when a user is in proximity to a Sonic Notify signal or beacon.

The Warriors and Sonic Notify will use the technology - which is integrated into the Warriors official mobile app for both iOS and Android devices - to enhance the overall fan experience at Oracle Arena. The content deliveries are varied and include potential use cases such as seat upgrade notifications, welcome messages, exclusive content, in-arena offers and more.

“We are all about our amazing fans. They deserve the absolute best experiences possible, and the Warriors are on a continual mission to identify and leverage the right technology to enable those experiences to happen,” says Vice President of Marketing & Digital Kenny Lauer.

Proximity marketing and the use of beacons to deliver content has been steadily growing in popularity, and Sonic Notify continues to lead the proximity market for enterprise clients by building on its three-year history in the space and its advanced software and hardware platform.

“The Golden State Warriors are a great client because they understand experience creation and the innovation process. Innovation runs all the way through their organization. They are one of a number of our enterprise clients who will be going live over the next few months, and I couldn’t be more excited about the market’s adoption,” says Aaron Mittman, CEO of Sonic Notify.

Sonic Notify has also partnered with CSR, Cambridge Silicon Radio, a leading multinational semiconductor company with advanced expertise in the field of radio and especially bluetooth technologies. CSR and Sonic Notify together offer an unparalleled level of ability to finely control, segment, and map bluetooth transmissions.

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