
Nets vs. Timberwolves: James Harden, Kyrie Irving, and Steve Nash Top Quotes

See what the Brooklyn Nets had to say after their 112-107 win over the Minnesota Timberwolves.


On offense slowing after first quarter:

“I thought the offense slumped basically the last three quarters. We didn’t play well, weren’t sharp. We didn’t make them adjust to different looks and options and kind of diversify what we were doing. We’re going through a tough patch. It’s been a crazy season, difficult schedule, and for whatever reason we’re in this little patch right now. Our opportunity right now is try to fight out of it, try to clean some things up and improve.”

On close games interfering with load management:

“We take care of business and everyone gets a little more rest, a little fresher, and maybe the reason. We haven’t really blown anyone out this year, feels like. We’ve been in tough games. And tonight I wanted to sub James at one point, but three minutes go by before a whistle. Do you waste a timeout in the second half to get him out? By the time it’s time to sub its five minutes left in the game. You can’t bring him out and then put him back in, he’ll lose his rhythm. We’re struggling with some of that stuff a little bit. Just gotta continue to find ways to adapt and improve. Right now we’re not playing great but we found a way to win. That’s the positive. The negative is we’re not pleased with the performance and that gives us motivation to improve.”

On not fouling up three late:

“James decided not to foul. The plan was to foul, but he kind of used his feel. He was willing to foul. I think he worried that there were 14 seconds left on the inbound. He didn’t want to foul with 14 seconds left because there was a lot of time left in the game. But then when (Beasley) started putting the ball between his legs, he didn’t want to reach in and foul then in case he picks it up and shoots. So he just decided to try to pressure the shot, and he did very well. That was James making a play that was successful and reading the situation. But the plan was to foul if he had the opportunity.”


On Wolves staying in game:

“We didn't rebound the basketball. We gave up so many offensive rebounds. I don't even know. We gave up a lot of offensive rebounds and that's what allowed them to get second opportunities and extra possessions. And then I gotta be better at my decision-making. Just giving them opportunities down the stretch. If we get a shot attempt obviously we get a chance to make it and push the lead up and we're not fighting through that. We just gotta be better individually and as a team.”

On common factors from last two games:

“It's just maybe our lack of focus. Looking record-wise at a team we're playing and then not staying focused like we were playing a better record-wise team. Not fundamentally boxing out, just small things. Not communicating or consistently communicating. It's just small things that we can correct and we will correct. I just think we're looking at these teams we're playing. It's like alright, we might get away with it. But we gotta think bigger picture and try to be more consistent in our communication and in our principles and our fundamentals.”

On minutes load:

"I mean I don't know if it's a tough time. I think we have a target on our back, teams are coming in and playing well and I think that's pretty much it. Every team goes through ups and down throughout the course of a year. I'm just happy that it's not even a tough time for us because we've been having to deal with injuries and things like that throughout the course of the season. I think we're in a fog right now because we have to find some energy. And I know once KD and LaMarcus and Landry get back, they're going to bring that, so we just gotta continue to find ways to win however they come which we've seen these last few games and keep pushing. That's the NBA season for you.”


On rebuilding chemistry with players out:

“I think we have an unwavering belief in one another in terms of the talent that we have one as a group. So, I don't think that we feel like if any one guy is out of the lineup or two guys out of the lineup that we don't have a great chance of winning. But when we get to the time where we're fully healthy, I think you know it'll be an interesting sight to see, not only for ourselves but for other teams and we can actually kind of develop some continuity from that and in terms of the lineups and different guys playing together, and we can just cement something that we have going into the playoffs. But it's day-by-day; anything can happen and you know in this league we just got to prepare for circumstances that we don't have control over or sometimes that come up. So just got to be able to move on to the next thing. Everybody in this league likes to say next game up, next man up mentality next person mentality; but that's to the truest sense in terms of how many games are playing in a short amount of time. So just implement guys that are new as quickly as we can and go from there as mature you know players out here.””

On return after missing three games:

“Well, anytime – I am blessed from God to be allowed to come out here and perform – I’m just grateful. You know, missing time – especially when you got a good flow going, the team has a good flow – it definitely hits you mentally because just missing three days in the NBA seems like an eternity or four games or whatever the case may be. So again getting thrown back out there – throwing myself back out there – felt good and like I said, I am just grateful to be able to play this game with everything going on in the world, so. You know, my teammates make it special, the coaching staff makes it special, the fans make it special. It is my job to go out there prepared and just go out there and put on a show and perform. You know, I’m back home. It’s easy. So.”

On Harden for MVP:

“Well first, he’s self-motivated which makes him great. You’ve got to have some type of self-motivation to get yourself up for these games and consistently show up. He’s done a great job all season for us (of) being consistent and just kind of leading our team, whether I am out of the lineup or (Kevin Durant) is out of the lineup, you know different guys are playing with him and he’s been able to adjust and adapt quickly. And when you throw some great pieces around a great player that is able to play point guard out there and just kind of be who he is – it is our job out there to be responsible for our roles, play at a high level and complement him and visa versa. So, you know, we support him and it’s a team effort. It’s team basketball out there. You know, our record is a reflection of how great we are as a team, but in this league individuals are very special and you have got to give credit when credit is due. And so, us as a team, we just want to continue to support him.”