Basketball Court Dimensions

Dan Savage
Director of Digital News

Basketball Court Dimensions

Basketball Court Dimensions

Basketball court dimensions have symmetry and simplicity. The court is divided in half, with boundary lines marking the sidelines and the end lines. The mid-court line features a center circle where the opening tip takes place at the beginning of the game. It is here that the action starts in any given game as players fight to gain control over the ball. Most of the action in a game, however, takes place at the end of the courts in the16-foot rectangle capped by the free throw line. Here, the fiercest competition for the game takes place as star forwards like Maurice “Moe” Harkless carry the ball to attempt to score, harried by the other team’s guards. Action here moves quickly as offensive players are not allowed to stand within this portion of the basketball court dimensions for longer than three seconds unless they or their teammates are attempting a shot. In the NBA, there’s also a defensive three-second violation, also known as illegal defense. It is assessed when a member of the defending team spends more than three seconds in the free throw lane while not actively guarding an opponent. Beyond this rectangle lies the three point arc, a near semi-circle of 23’ 9” around the key, where all shots – even the most desperate shot at the last buzzer – count for three points. The three-point arc is a portion of the court where games can be won and lost in a matter of seconds with a single shot changing the score quickly. Talented players can use this longer, more difficult distance to the advantage of their team in order to quickly raise the score.

While basketball teams like the Orlando Magic feature supreme athletes, they are all bound by the rules of a game that is, in essence, set by the court and the dimensions. No matter how much practice or how skilled players are, the team’s magic remains contained within the basketball court dimensions.