Jason Thompson Suffers Bone Fracture in Right Toe

SACRAMENTO, CA, June 16, 2011 -- X-rays taken yesterday at the UC Davis Sports Medicine Clinic revealed that Sacramento Kings forward Jason Thompson has a non-displaced sesamoid bone fracture in his right great toe. He will wear a walking boot for approximately four to six weeks, at which time Thompson will be re-evaluated.

Thompson, a three-year NBA veteran, averaged 8.8 points (.507 FGs, .605 FTs), 6.1 rebounds and 1.2 assists per game through 75 contests, of which he started 39 this past season for the Kings.

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Maloof Sports & Entertainment includes the Sacramento Kings and Power Balance Pavilion. Owned by the Maloof family with long-term, local partners, the organization is committed to being a contributing member of the Sacramento community. Teaming up with local leaders and non-profit organizations to give back to those in need throughout the region, MS&E has donated millions of dollars to charity in 11 years of Maloof family ownership. For more information about Maloof Sports & Entertainment, please visit kings.com, PowerBalancePavilion.com or call 916-928-0000.

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