
Luke Walton's Player Mailbox

After a decade in the NBA, Cavs forward Luke Walton has seen just about everything. But as the son of one of the NBA’s greatest players of all-time, Luke saw plenty before he ever got there.

On a youthful Cavaliers squad, the two-time NBA champion has been a calming influence all season for Byron Scott – one of the squad’s headiest players and one of its best passers at any position. Since the middle of January, Walton has led the Eastern Conference in assists for bench players.

In today’s Player Mailbox, here’s your chance to ask Luke about his famous father, his second season in Cleveland or his thoughts on some of his still-wet-behind-the-ears Cavalier teammates.

He’ll take some of the best questions and respond in a few days here on Cavs.com

Player Mailbox: Luke Walton

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